Wow, I feel like it's been a year or so since I've written. A lot has happened. One thing that could lay some groundwork would be that my church has a newly ordained priest! His ordination was in June, early June I believe. I was at it but I can't remember the exact date. Anyway, Vermont got 4 at once!!! Priests I mean. Bishop Mattano was very proud as well as the whole Vermont Diocese. We only have one in all of Vermont so it's a big deal.
Shortly after the ordination in Burlington the Diocesan Youth Council put on the Youth Leadership Congress with Frank Mercadante as the Keynote speaker, also leading some workshops on Listening and Evangelizing. Google him sometime. Anyway, we had this awesome 'epic water balloon/capture the flag fight!!! That was sooooo coooool! The DYC got to have super soakers too, so I had this monster thing that shoots a river at anyone stupid enough to come close. he he he
In the long run, June was pretty sweet. I still have school work to complete, my schedule being so different from everyone else's since I'm home schooled.
I'm currently trying to learn guitar, though my lessons w/ my sister and older brother are few and far between. That's mostly my own fault though, as I could I suppose... ask my brother for more lessons than I do.
About the political race and all that mumbo jumbo now that it's finished, I think Obama has disappointed a lot of people. He made a lot of promises that fell pretty flat. If I had been old enough to vote I know I would have voted for McCain. Palin is way cool, her family values are wonderful. I find her take on reality to be really accurate. I think the Media is finding it hard to get much dirt on her w/out taking it out on her family too. I thought it was interesting that so many people were ragging on her because she is against birth control and her daughter is a pregnant teen. I think it took a lot of guts to put up with that one.
Also, I like the smaller government idea. Just because people are wimps and can't put up with some tough talk about each other doesn't mean people should be less free to believe in what they want. There are way too many cases about Homosexuals claiming hate and discrimination crimes because people don't agree with that way of life. I'm not saying make it against the law to be homosexual but... It goes against my conscience and the Bible to support homosexuality in any way. I love people, I don't hate the actual people. I just think it is wrong, biologically and morally. I think that those people are being selfish. God has a plan for people and I don't think it has anything to do with men and women being sexually active with their own sex.
There are a lot of people that would say that Catholics think those people are damned to Hell, that those people are evil and mean, but Catholic teaching says nothing of the kind. It's the whole "love the sinner, hate the sin" thing. Sex is huge, not something people should ever take lightly. That is so contradicted in our society it's not even funny. If I said that on a soap box somewhere, I'd be laughed at like there's no tomorrow. That doesn't change my view however. If birth control is wrong, sex outside of marriage(changing the definition of marriage is pitifully painful) is wrong. There are way too many kids that don't have dads, don't have brothers and sister, don't have a lot of good and wholesome things that improve their contribution to community and country. Not being able to say no to sex means saying goodbye to a happy family life. There are a lot of things that I could say to explain my view on this subject but I would just point you to this website. Look around for a while and see if there is anything of interest. I almost guarantee there will be!
God Bless!