Thursday, May 29, 2008

Time to Binky

I have had far too many oportunities that I give up...

1) Call someone I took horse riding lessons from and ask if I can WORK for lessons...

2) Finish school work now and have a free and easy summer early...

3) Build bunny pen in back yard and don't worry about them not getting enough exercise...

4) Move down from the Attic of my house so my sister and I can have our own rooms...

That's all I can think of at the moment, but be assured there are many more. Thankfully I have now done two of those things in that short list. I found out all I have to do is mowe the lawn once a week for a horse-riding lesson for goodness sake!!!! I've been really missing those lessons since I stopped taking them about two years ago and I've been meaning to call about working for them. Now, it's a certain deel and I only just called yesterday evening! What got me to pick up the phone in the first place was Cathy, my sister. "I guess in a way this shows you how you will do things for the rest of your life and how you will act about making phone calls in the future." And since I am hoping to go into an animal related career, this made me glare at the phone before I snapped it up and punched in the numbers. As for the schoolwork... I'm still working on that... I have built the bunny pen though! Well, my brother really did the building while I sort of held this and tossed him that and that sort of thing. Anyway, the bunnies are now able to run around and Binky as they please. Have you ever heard of a bunny Binky? NO? Well, it's sort of a jump/hop/twist in midair. It's really funny to watch and always gets me laughing when they do it. It means they're happy. They don't have room for a Binky in their cage so when I put them in the pen, they Binky to their little hearts content. What's even better though is when you try to imitate them! Of course, there are two things likely to happen when I try to do a jump/hop/twist in midair. Either I scare them really bad and have to wait a while before they think it's OK to approach me again... or, they realize that I'm just kinda bad at Binkying and they'll do two more Binkies in a row! The cool thing about bunnies is that they are Very social animals. Since they don't make any noises, except the occasional grunt or growl when they're mad, body language is their native toung. It's pretty understandable if you take the care to learn it...

Foot stomp: usually means you or someone else is doing something they don't like.

Ear toss: is a sign they are happy and/or content with you.

Turned back: means either they are upset with you or (if you are petting them) they want you to scratch a certain spot. (Note - If the bunny turns it's back but then looks back at you for a few seconds, that means they would be willing o except an apology)

Lowering of head: means they want you to pet them on the head. (Note - In bunny world, the groomer is the servant and the groomed is the boss. If a whole bunch of bunnies are grooming this one rabbit, that rabbit is the boss. So when you pet the bunny's head, it is a gesture of obedience. Not usually a bad thing...)

Lowering of whole body and ears: this generally means they are afraid.

Chin rubbing: like a cat, a bunny marks territory often by rubbing it's chin on something. Casual territory marking I assure you. They have other ways to mark the more serious boundaries just like a cat or dog. If they rub their chin on you, that is a compliment.

There are many more things to look out for but I don't want to tell too much about these things if you have no interest in bunnies. If you are however, here is a link to a good bunny-language website.

Well, I don't think I talked about going to New York, New York yet but I'll save that for another time. For now, I have a bunch of things to do so I'll talk to you later.

God Bless,