Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Animal Lover...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! welcome to 2008,

It's quite odd for me to think about it finally being 2008. Always thinking 2007 is still here.

My brother was telling me about Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer. We don't have the channel at our house, but I really admire him, checking out his website all the time. I think I want to be a dog trainer. I think training dogs for the handicapped people would be really awesome! Training horses for Children's Physical Therapy would also be ideal. I don't know how to go about starting something like that, but this is my area of interest. I've been thinking about it for some months now, and I've always know that I wanted to work with animals. Dogs and horses spacifically. I am an animal lover if you will. Always have and probably always will be. I love being surounded by nothing but animals. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside!
