Thursday, August 5, 2010

Getting Older

ok so I think to title "Really long time, no post" is just ... well it doesn't quite cover it. For a long time now I have all but forgotten about my blog. I used to be on it constantly but life is carying me away. :D

So I'm just going to give a general outline of my last few months...

Starting January my family started the process of moving out of a new house, and my two older sisters and I came up with this brilliant plan to move in to the new house (new to us, it was built in the late 1800s) and pay rent for my parents while we all attempt to move all out belongings from our house only two blocks away and twice the size of our "new" house. Anyway, mid-February we (my sisters and I) move in and celebrate our freedom for a short time! After all we had the whole place to ourselves for something like a whole two months! This is when I discovered how troublesome it is to not work quite as often as my sisters because this obviously means I have ALL house work to myself. Interestingly enough, I found I LOVED to vacuum (a good thing as I had to do it every day because of a dark blue rug) and didn't really mind doing the laundry. Cleaning unfamiliar things is easy! I really didn't like to do the dishes though... so naturally I didn't! (We gradually moved to paper products ;) It was as easy as that during the day, but then my sisters came home and ragged on me for it until I was so upset that I would just refuse to do them. I realize now this was an extremely childish conclusion but bear with me...

I had a crossing guard job then so I was able to contribute equally to the rent but never had any money left over as my sisters did. I didn't care so much because they wouldn't mind buying me things every once in a while. But I still had this sense of being inferior to them. I was always labeling this feeling as feeling younger but that wasn't really it. Later on though, I am grateful that they didn't care about my having more time as them, as long as I got a few chores done while I was at it and able to give rent money when it was due. Over all, I had the best situation because I was able to pursue my interests. Write or play an instrument. I didn't have to worry about groceries because they covered that with their paychecks. Of course there was also the privacy aspect, and we were able to have friends over whenever they felt like coming. Granted everything wasn't half as prepped for company as my mom would have had it but it was good enough for teenagers.

Then my parents started really having to work on our house and moving in more and more things. Things changed but it wasn't as different for my sisters as it was for me. My mom started doing chores and I was able to laze around more and more. Then summer comes around and my job with the crossing guard is now gone. Finding respect these days is all about what you can do for other people. If I was doing all the chores and working on helping people around the house, people would probably forget that I have to work! At least for a while.... :)

For now, I am looking for a job and being constantly humbled by God. God Bless