Monday, June 20, 2016

New Days

It's been six years.


The surreal feelings while reading my previous posts are a little overwhelming. Bullet point changes:

  • I'm 24
  • I am pretty healthy, physically
  • I have a boyfriend I love and we're both thinking about marriage
  • I have a good dog
  • I have an apartment with my sister ...again. I've shared three with her since the last post.
  • I have my own dog care business, make my own hours
  • I do regular farm work and gladly live outside Rutland city but close enough to enjoy it's comforts.
Praise God because none of it was earned, all of these huge blessings are gifts!!! Christ has truly loved and provided for me more than I can describe and/or explain. I love my life. I still find things to worry about and I'm making plans for my future that are surely subject to change but I have so much to count as graces and gifts that my heart is swelling with gratitude and bursting with all the knowledge and understanding I've come to that I really must write about it somewhere.

My sisters were telling me that I should start with the beginning, to really know and own to my story. After much thought and some hesitation, I figure I can start with the biggest slices of truth that affect my understanding on a regular basis and then go to how it matters. That brings me to the beginning but at least then I'll know a bit what I'm aiming to reveal in my life, to myself and to anyone that wants to know.

Slices numbered irrelevantly:

  1. Being Catholic, knowing/professing/meditating on the truths the Church teaches in her tradition and teachings is pretty foundational. I think there's a plan, a reason and causality to pain, suffering, love, sin, sadness and orgasms. Yep,  I just said that. It's true, I believe, that there is a very very important reality that ties them all together and beats like a heart within the beast we call life. 
  2. Theology of the Body, Catholic again, though an objective study in my understanding, of how our bodies describe God's Love, His Mercy and His Beauty. Looking at the starts to understand ourselves, or writing poetry to describe the indescribable feelings, those are similar feats of study as the Theology of the Body.
  3. Love and Respect, as a recent finding of mine, is perhaps one of the more helpful slices of truth in my discovery as it concerns the different needs and wants of men and women and the goodness of their differences. This is based on Ephesians chapter 5: verse 33. Men Love your wives as Christ loves the Church and women Respect your husbands as the Church respects Christ and His authority. That is not a direct quote, simply my memory, but it's basically the point. This "finding" has changed my life.
  4. Shame, especially how it is felt, and how we can be (not resistant, because that's kind of impossible) resilient and not spread shame. 
This is the beginning, this is my brain in a nutshell.